
From iconic advertising campaigns to style guides and what not to wears.
Our blog offers an oversight into the world of mens fashion, from the downright bizarre to the upscale on trend.

  • Cones For a Walk in Looneyland

    Sat, Jul 27, 24

    Dudley Huppler, Muscoda - Spring, 1950, 14 x 20 in. I can’t say that I have ever seen a cone-bird out for a walk in the wild. I am no...

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  • Smithsonian Archive of American Art - Unboxed Lunch

    Sat, Jul 27, 24

      I put off reading the last two years of postcards that Karl Priebe wrote to Dudley Huppler. After reading through the previous postcards dating back to 1943, I didn’t...

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  • These Walls

    Sat, Jul 27, 24

    An original Andy Warhol painting used to sit over the clawfoot bathtub in my one bathroom small Victorian home. It balanced on a shelf where any small movement during a...

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  • Spending time with Dudley Huppler's Work

    Sat, Jul 27, 24

    by Mitchell R. McInnis Spending time with Dudley Huppler’s work, a viewer finds her or himself existing in a precarious – though painstakingly made – world of the artist’s making....

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  • How To Write A Letter Like It's 1953

    Sat, Jul 27, 24

    My street is lined with trees and several homes have a stone hitching post that once was a necessity, but has now become decoration. At the end of the block...

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